Skip James

American Delta blues singer, guitarist, pianist and songwriter, 1902-1969. Acoustic Guitar Magazine


Of Poetry & Protest at Shakespeare and Company, Paris France

Pleased to find a book I helped design and illustrate titled "Of Poetry & Protest" at Shakespeare & Company bookstore located in the heart of Paris. Shakespeare and Co is an English-language bookshop located in historic Paris in a former monastery. In the spirit of Sylvia Beach's original Shakespeare & Co, George Whitman opened his shop in 1951 to be a “socialist utopia masquerading as a bookstore". This store would soon influence Lawrence Ferlinghetti to open City Lights Books in San Francisco, 1953.

Of Poetry & Protest features 43 contemporary African-American poets.

Booker White

Booker White, 1906-1977, was an American blues musician, singer and songwriter.  For Acoustic Guitar Magazine

Ideal Home Studio

Strings Magazine interviewed musicians about what their ideal home studio would look like.  Here's some visual highlights.  

Elizabeth Cotten

Elizabeth Cotten, 1893-1987, was an American folk and blues musician, singer and songwriter. Self-taught, left-handed, and on an upside-down guitar, Libba created a signature style called "Cotten picking". For Acoustic Guitar Magazine.


Strings Magazine

R.L. Burnside

American blues singer, songwriter, and guitarist, 1926-2005. Acoustic Guitar Magazine

Aly Tamboura

Tamboura learned to code in San Quentin's tech program The Last Mile.  Now he has a career in the tech industry.

Musicians Ry Cooder and Lalo Guerrero

And the story of Chavez Ravine.  For Acoustic Guitar Magazine.